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3D Movie Animation

Gitfs and card: Mothers Day video

The video Mothers Day, in Portuguese Dia das Mães, It is a gift and a card in honor of all the mothers in the world. It begins with the phrases Happy Mothers Day and As on Earth as it is in Heaven, which express the love and importance of mothers in the lives of their children. In Portuguese, present in the second video, it means Feliz Dia das Mães and Assim na Terra como no Céu.
In the center of the video, there is a large sphere that rotates from right to left. In the first image, we see a Guardian Angel clearly protecting a couple of children. In the second image, we see a mother with two children, one on her lap.
In the background of the video, there are four illustrations that show women of different ethnicities, cultures and ages. These illustrations represent the diversity of mothers around the world.
The video is a message of love and affection to all mothers. It can be displayed anywhere and at any time, especially around Mothers Day.
Animation was generated using video editing software titled XaoS 3.5, realtime interactive fractal zoomer.

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(1920x1080 / 552,59MB)

Tipo: Curto (8s)

Preço: R$ 4,99

Validade até: 30/09/2026

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Registro nº 786.331

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional

Ministério da Cultura


IPC - Instituto Pan Cultural

CNPJ nº 54.154.497/0001-21


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